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Botox-treatment of wrinkles

Botox-treatment of wrinkles

The development of dynamic or mimic wrinkles
During the ages wrinkles appear on the face. Two types of wrinkles exist: the dynamic or mimic and the static. The dynamic wrinkles are caused by the repeated intensive movement of the mimic muscles and they appear around the eyes (crow’s feet), on the glabella and on the front. They may appear already at the age of 30, earlier then the static wrinkles. When they appear in the thirties they are not accompanied by the other signs of the ageing (age spots, shallow and inelastic skin). In the case of dynamic or mimic wrinkles the only appropriate therapy is the botox treatment because it temporarily prevents the movement of muscles.

In our private practice we treat the dynamic or mimic wrinkles with botox treatment
I wait you with my 16 years experience

Would botox treatment make me nicer? You should ask the following questions!

  • Have you seen that your dynamic wrinkles remain visible when your face is relaxed?
  • Have you seen that your wrinkles around your eyes remain visible at blink?
  • Have you seen deep wrinkles in the glabellar region?
  • Are you confused by the horizontal wrinkles on your front?
  • Have your friends remarked that your face is care-worn or strained?
  • Would you liked that your face would be relaxed and younger?

If you have two yes for these questions than the botox treatment would make your face younger

Which wrinkles can be treated by botox?

  • Crow’s feet
  • Glabellar wrinkles
  • Horizontal frontal wrinkles

What are the advantages of the botox treatment in the cases of dynamic or mimic wrinkles?

  • It is a simple, quick, almost painless injection into the mimic muscles
  • Its effect is quick and long lasting
  • Your face will be younger and relaxed
  • The angry or the sad look will disappear
  • The side effects are rare and mild, they disappear quickly
  • The degradation of botulinum toxin is without any harmful effect and it is complete
  • The repeated treatments are safe based on the experience of millions of botox treatment

What about the effect of the botox treatment in the cases of dynamic or mimic wrinkles?
The botox injection contains botulinum toxin that prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction. This effect temporarily relaxes the mimic muscles so the mimic muscles can not crumple the skin above the muscles. In the case of deep glabellar wrinkles the botox treatment can be combined by hyaluronic acid filler treatment. The first is the botox treatment and the remaining wrinkles are treated by the filler.

You have to do the followings after the botox treatment of dynamic or mimic wrinkles
You have to use intensively the treated muscles for at least two hours in order that the muscles can absorb the botulinum toxin. You have to keep your head vertically, avoid lying and the durable deflection. You have to avoid the rubbing of the treated area for at least 12 hours. It is prohibited to massage the skin to the direction of the upper eyelid for 48 hours. Any kind of cosmetic treatment is avoided for two days. In these cases the botulinum toxin can move to the muscles of the upper eyelid and the patient can not open the eyes. The botulinum toxin is heat sensitive so you have to avoid sun exposure, solarium use, and sauna for a week. The injection can be accompanied by slight swelling and redness.

How long is the effect of botox treatment in the cases of dynamic or mimic wrinkles?
Its effect begins in 2-5 days and it will be complete usually in 10-14 days. Its effect lasts for 3-4 months in the case of crow’s feet and for 4-6 months in the glabellar region and in the front. The mild wrinkles disappear completely and the more pronounced wrinkles will be shallower. The treatment decreases only the movement of the treated muscles so the movement of the natural mimic remains intact. You can perceive your feeling at smile or nagging. The treatment can be repeated, the time interval between two treatments is at least 3 months. In the case of repeated botox treatment the effect will be longer.

In some cases the botox treatment of dynamic or mimic wrinkles is contraindicated
Allergy to botulinum toxin or serum albumin, pregnancy, under 18 years, after 65 years.

Visit: 33 000 HUF

Treatment: glabella or crow’s feet: 60 000 HUF, glabella + crow’s feet: 90 000 HUF

glabella + temple: 90 000 HUF, glabella + crow’s feet + temple: 105 000 HUF