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Ingrow nail operation

Ingrow nail operation

Clinical signs
The ingrown nail most frequently appears on the big toe of the foot. It is caused by more (often simultaneously appearing factors): the too deep cut of the nail plate, wearing a too narrow or ill breathable shoes, poor hygiene, the mechanical injury of the nail plate or the matrix, nail plate dystrophy, onychomycosis, diabetes, genetic factors. For the effect of these factors the nail fold presses the lateral nail plate that causes bacterial infection. Inflammation develops in the lateral nail fold that is characterized by redness, swelling, bleeding, and pain. Sometimes there is the formation of a bleeding granulation tissue that increases the pain and makes odorous the foot.

At the beginning of this process rest and humidity bond can cause healing The ingrown nail can be healed only with operation in the following cases: the long lasting existence of ingrown nail, in the case of a bleeding granulation tissue, the reappearance of the ingrown nail. The ingrown nail operation means the delete of the inflammation tissues and the permanent removal of the nail matrix. The removal of the nail plate can be done with scalpel or with carbon dioxide laser.

We make the ingrown nail operation with carbon dioxide laser vaporization
I wait you with my 30 years experience

The mode of action of carbon dioxide laser in the operation of the ingrown nail
The light of the carbon dioxide laser is absorbed in water that is found in every human tissue. During the absorption heat evolves, the cells boil and explode. During the ingrown nail operation the carbon dioxide laser vaporizates the inflammation tissues and the nail matrix too.

The carbon dioxide laser vaporization has several advantages in the ingrown nail operation for the patient and the physician too

  • It is absorbed in 0,1 mm depth in the skin so its effect can be controlled with great accuracy.
  • There is no need to make suture.
  • The operation is quick so the burden for you is minimal.
  • The laser light obstructs the small blood and lymphatic vessels so there are no bleeding during the operation.
  • You can very rarely feel pain after the operation.
  • The laser light destroys the pathogens on the surface of the skin so the wound surface will be sterile.
  • The wound heals quickly and with cosmetically good results.
  • You can do the simple bandage exchange at home based on the written paper about it.

How is made the ingrown nail operation by carbon dioxide laser?
After the local anesthesia using lidocain injection the first step during the operation is the removal of a part of the nail plate with scissors along its entire lengths. The second step is the removal of the inflamed lateral nail fold with carbon dioxide laser vaporization. The final moment is the evaporation of the nail matrix with carbon dioxide laser to prevent the regrowth of the nail plate. The time of the operation is about 20-25 minutes.

You have to do the followings after the carbon dioxide laser removal of the ingrown nail
After the operation there will be serous discharge. You have to remain in rest for 2 days, and then you can walk in comfortable shoes. The healing time is usually between 10 and 14 days depending on the severity of the inflammation before the operation. You have to wear a bandage during the healing time.

The followings happen after the carbon dioxide laser removal of the ingrown nail
The operation of the ingrown nail by carbon dioxide laser vaporization is a safe process but you have to follow the written bandage process to prevent the side effects. The side effects are rare and they are the followings: bleeding, pain, inflammation around the wound. Unfortunately there may be recurrence of the ingrown nail in some cases.

In some cases the ingrown nail operation by carbon dioxide laser is contraindicated

Unreal patient expectations, untreated diabetes, stenosis of arteria in the leg, elderly patient.

Visit: 33 000 HUF

Operation: the first side: 50 000 HUF, the second side: 30 000 HUF